Futurevision 2022 - A Look Ahead

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    Looking forward to 2022 for Marketpath CMS (Source: vecteezy.com fall-hiking)

    Hello, 2022! Some people have called it “2020 too” but I don’t think that’s fair. Early 2020 brought unprecedented changes to our world and the entire year was dedicated to controlling and navigating a new pandemic reality. 

    I’m not going to pretend to know what’s in store for us this year - there is still a lot of craziness and unpredictability in the world right now. But I do know which direction Marketpath will be heading.

    Our primary goal for 2022 is to clearly demonstrate the value of Marketpath CMS and grow our user community. And we’ll do this through product-led growth.


    Marketpath CMS has historically used a sales-led model where we convince organizations and marketing agencies, through hands-on outreach efforts, to use it. With a starting price point of $49 per month, it takes a long time to recoup initial customer acquisition costs. This is where the shift to a product-led model makes sense.

    In product-led growth, the product itself communicates value intrinsically through real usage. An interested user registers and then tries out the product - basically, try before you buy. 

    People naturally want to try out a product before they make a purchase. Providing that opportunity and delivering on their expectations is truly valuable. But, for a content management platform as flexible and powerful as Marketpath CMS, showing value quickly is quite challenging.

    So that’s our primary goal for 2022. Continually evaluate and revise new user onboarding so users reach convincing “aha” moments as fast as possible, before they become disinterested.


    One way to grow our user base is by changing Marketpath CMS to a freemium model. Free sites will allow up to 20 pages, 500 MB of storage, one custom domain, and 2,000 monthly page views. 

    Free sites may be set up with or without a payment method. This free plan is perfect for personal portfolio sites, student development sites, demo sites, as well as small businesses and small charitable organizations with extremely limited budgets.

    Product Plans

    I’m not going to dive into anticipated new project features. Of course, we have a list. But I expect our priorities to shift like a drunken sailor on rough seas.

    We will still roll out regular bug fixes as they’re discovered. However, new features will be a game-time decision.


    It’s going to be an interesting year and I hope you stick around for the wild ride.

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    About the Author

    Matt Zentz

    Matt Zentz launched Marketpath from a small Broad Ripple bungalow in February 2001 with a focus on custom web application development. He built the first, basic version of a hosted CMS called Webtools and shortly afterward expanded his team and created the first version of Marketpath CMS.

    Matt has worked for a national consulting firm, taught computer programming to high school juniors and seniors , and led the information technology arm of the auxiliary business units at Indiana University.

    Matt graduated from Indiana University in 1999 with a B.S. in Computer Science and has built custom web applications since 1995. Matt is husband to an amazing & supportive wife, has three beautiful children, supreme master to Archimedes (Archie) the dog, and mostly tolerant victim of 2 flying rats (cockateils).

    He coaches various kid sports, enjoys furniture and home renovation projects, and plays guitar and piano. Matt is also active with his church as a parishioner, technical advisor and board member on the festival committee.