Pi Day is a celebration for math enthusiasts around the world to talk about the most recognized mathematical constant. I get excited about Pi Day because pie and other round foods are indulged on this day. As an avid baker but full-time marketer, I equate baking a pie to building a website. Let's see if you agree with me.
First, you have to choose what pie to bake, or at least solicit opinions. The same goes if you’ve been involved with creating a website - you have your own opinions about what the end product will look like, as does the client, strategist, marketing lead, and other stakeholders. Consensus is key here!
Once you have the pie selected, it's time to find the recipe and ingredients. Whether you’re baking a pie or making a website, you want to know the requirements and define the project - budget, scope, time. Have you ever tried to find a recipe online (which I equate to defining scope)? Gosh, there are so many considerations. The first baker to craft the website are designers. The best web designers are whizzes at compiling all the components of the previous steps (audience, strategy, usability, etc.) into one concise, visual representation of the end product -- a recipe!
Now, for the hardest task - development. To get those flakey, buttery layers is no simple feat. This is what sets a good baker apart from a great baker. Same with website development. If the developer can synthesize all the visual requirements provided by the recipe, then you have a base upon which to build out the perfect product.
Once the web developer hands over the structure, a copywriter or marketer diligently fills the shell with the content in hopes of engaging participants with the end product. They are crafters in their own right - assembling all various elements, and making it one homogenous confection.
Now, for the chemical reactions and caramelization to make the product flawless. Seeking approvals, coordination with other marketing activities, and final changes. Oh! The anticipation for the final product -- the culmination of the experience.
BEEP! BEEP! It’s done! It’s ready! Let them eat pie, and visit your website.